الخميس، 10 أبريل 2008

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Endocrinology unit
Thyroid Total T4 Total T3
TSH (Ultra Sensitive Free T3 Free T4
Free thyroxin index T3 uptake Anti Thyroglobulinab
Anti microsomal ab Parathormone (PTH) Calcitonin
Protein bound Iodine Thyroglobulin.
FSH LH Prolactin
Testosterone Free Testosterone Dihydro testosterone (DHT)
Progesterone Estrone (E1) Estradiol (E2)
Eostriol (E3) DHEA-S DHEA
Sex Hormone BindingGlobulin (SHBG) Androstendione β-HCG
Cortisol Cortisol (9 PM.) Cortisol (Urine)
ACTH (9 AM) ACTH VMA (Urine)
17 Ketosteroid (Urine) 17 OH Progesterone Adrenaline
Noradrenaline Dopamine Catecholamines (Urine)
Aldosterone Renin.

Microbiology unit

Widal Brucella Antistreptolysin O titre (ASOT)
CRP quantitative VDRL TPHA
RPR RF Rose waller (titre)
Culture & Sensitivity Stool culture Fungal Culture
Blood Culture Viable conly count Film for fungi
Helicobacter pylori Chlamydia lgG Paul Bunnel
Monospot Semen Examination Fructose in semen
Alpha Glucosidase in semen Examination of prostatic fluid Tuberculin
ZN Stain for TB TB Culture
Hepatitis B
HBs antigen HBs antibody HBe antigen
HBe antibody HBc antibody Total HBc antibody IgM.
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis C
HCV lgG (ELISA 3rd generation) HCV lgM RIBA
HDV antibody HEV antibody HIV 1 & 2)
Herpes IgM Herpes IgG CMV IgM
CMV IgG Epstein barr virus ( EBV IgM ) Epstein barr virus (EBV IgG)
Rubella IgM Rubella IgG Rota virus antigen detection.

Molecular Biology unit (PCR)

HBV – DNA (Qualitative) HBV – DNA (Quantitative) HCV – RNA (Qualitative)
HCV – RNA (Quantitative) by PCR HCV genotyping HCV in liver biopsy by (ISH )
HIV by PCR, HIV by western blott TB –DNA by HLA Class l (ABC)
HLA Class ll (DR) HLA B27.
Chromosomal Study (Karyotyping)
Bone marrow Peripheral Blood.

Pathology unit

Small biopsy Small organ or LN Cytology fluid
Large organ Estrogen receptor Progesterone receptor

Chemistry unit
A-Liver function
Bilirubin Total Bilirubin Direct SGPT (ALT)
SGOT (AST) Alkaline phosphatase T. protein
Albumin (A/G) ratio Gamma GT
5\ Nucleotidase Amonia.
B-Renal function
Urea (BUN) Creatinine Creatinine clearance
Uric Acid Stone calculus Bence jones protein ( Urine)
Microalbuminuria Protein in urine or CSF.
C-Serum Electrolytes
Calcium (total) Calcium (Ionized ) Sodium(Na)
Potassium (k) Chlorides (CL) Magnesium (Mg)
Sodium(Na) Potassium (k) Chlorides (CL)
Calcium (Ca ) Phosphorous (Ph) Magnesium ( Mg)
Magnesium ( Mg) Chlorides (CL).
Cholesterol Triglycerides HDL Cholesterol
LDL Total lipids
G-Cardiac Markers
LDH CK (Total) CK (MB)
Glucose Pregnancy test Amyloid A protein
Dopamine Beta hydroxylase Glycosylated Hemoglobin HbA1C Blood ph
Bicarbonate Blood gases Fructosamine
Total Acid Phosphatase Prostatic Acid Phosphatase Protein electrophoresis
Amylase Lipase Aldolase
Body fluid examination (M/E & Protein & Glucose) Lipoprotein
Apolipoprotein A1 Apolipoprotein B Alpha –1 antitrypsin
Vitamin A (Retinol) Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12
Vitamin D Vitamin D3 (25 Hydroxy cholycalceferol) Vitamin E (Alpha Tochopherols)
Folic Acid
J-Trace elements
Aluminium Copper Lead
Urine Plasma.
L-Drug Monitoring
Digoxin (lanoxin) Tegretol (carbamazepine ) Phenytoin (Epanutin, Dilantin)
Depakene (Valporic acid, Epilim) Phenobarbitone Theophylline Cyclosporin
Tacrolimus Methotrexate Lithium.
M-Drugs of Abuse
Alcohol (in blood) Cannabinoids Opiates
Cocaine Barbtiurates Benzodiazipines

Hematology unit

Complete Blood Count (CBC) Blood indices WBC and Differential
Hemoglobin Platelet Count Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
Prothrombin time Activated partial thromboplastine (APTT) Thrombin time (T T)
Blood group Blood Rh Cross matching with a donor (including viral screening)
Reticulocyte count Osmotic fragility Direct Coombs
Indirect Coombs Rh antibody titre D Dimer
Sickle cell smear S. lron Total iron binding capacity (TIBC)
S.Transferrin, LE cell Ferritin Platelet aggregation (ADP, Collagen, Ristocetin) Platelet adhesiveness
Direct Platelet antibody Indirect Platelet antibody FactorV
Factor VII Factor VIII Factor X
Factor IX, Plasminogen Haptoglobin
Ceruloplasmin Fibrinogen Cryoglobulins
G6PD (Quantitative) G6PD (Qualitative ) Protein S, Anti thrombin lll
Protein C Lupus anticoagulant Bone Marrow Aspiration examination
Hemoglobin electrophoresis CD 3, 5, 7, 10, 19, 20, 34.

Immunology unit

ANA ds- DNA ds- DNA
Semen Processing C4 Post coital test
C3 IgG IgA
IgM IgE total Specific IgE for inhalants & ingestants
ANCA Anti LKM Anti smith
Anti Centromere Anti Keratin abs Anti RNP
Anti SSA (Ro) Anti SSB (La) Anti Jo1
Anti Scl 70 Anti sperm antibody Anti Cardiolipin IgG (ACL IgG)
Anti Cardiolipin IgM (ACL IgM) Anti Phospholipid IgG(APL IgG) Anti Phospholipid IgM (APL IgM)
Anti Smooth muscle antibody (ASMA) Anti Mitochondrial antibody (AMA) Neutrophil Function (NBT) Neutrophil Function (chemotoxis)
Anti reticulin MLC (Mixed lymphocyte culture )

Parasitology unit

Stool Examination Occult blood in stool Stool fat
Urine Examination Thick blood film for Malaria Malaria antigen
Blood film for Filaria Filarial Serology Toxoplasma IgG
Toxoplasma IgM IHA for Toxoplasma IHA for Shistosomiasis
Bilharzial antigen in urine Ambeic antibody Hydatid antibody
Fasciola antibody.

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